
Four Tips For Protecting Your Garage Door Opener


The garage door opener is easily one of the most common things a burglar uses to get into someone's home. If you have a garage door that opens to your home, this is even more dangerous. It's also dangerous if you leave valuables in your garage that you obviously don't want stolen. This is why you should know how to protect your garage door opener from getting in the hands of the wrong person.

21 July 2016

How To Know If Your Garage Door Needs To Be Professionally Repaired


You will want to make sure that you are keeping a close eye on the condition of your garage door so you do not end up with too many problems. To help you understand when it is time to call a professional garage door repair contractor, you will want to check out the following points. The Roller Balls Are Sticking No matter how much force you use, if the roller balls on the garage door are sticking, it will be near impossible to get the door to move.

29 June 2016

How To Troubleshoot Garage Door Obstruction Sensors


If a garage door closes on your pets, children, or car, it can cause some serious problems. Modern garage doors will have obstruction sensors which will detect any obstacles in your door's way and send a signal to the motor to reverse the direction of your door when closing. While these sensors serve a necessary function, they can cause problems when they are not working properly. Luckily, you should be able to get them working again on your own.

7 April 2016

Three Garage Door Safety Lessons To Teach Your Children


Every conscientious parent makes a dedicated effort to ensure that dangerous tools that could cause injuries to a child aren't left within reach in the garage, but unless you're also taking steps to keep your children safe around your garage door, there could be a risk of injury. Garage doors accounted for more than 13,000 serious injuries in 2007. Given the risk that the garage door poses, it's important that your children understand that it's not a toy.

23 February 2016

Do You Need A New Garage Door?


Your garage door provides you with so much: convenience, protection, and even insulation from extreme weather. It is only in fairness that you, too, treat your garage door with respect. This means replacing it when the time is right. There are things to be on the lookout for that will indicate that it's time to replace your garage door. This brief article will aim to tell you what exactly those things are.

2 February 2016

Advice For Choosing The Right Garage Door


If you are in the market for a new garage door, you want to find one that's going to help to give your home the look you are trying to achieve. The door should also offer you the functionality and security you need. With so many different styles and types on the market, finding the right one for you can be difficult unless you know what it is that you are looking for.

7 January 2016

3 Reasons Why Your Garage Door Isn't Closing Correctly


Is your garage door struggling to close correctly? Does it shake or come down uneven? Or does it refuse to close at all? Having a garage door that won't close can be a frustrating experience. You also may be concerned that you'll need a costly repair or even a replacement to fix the issue. The good news is that many garage door issues have very simple solutions. Below are three of the most common reasons why a garage door won't shut properly.

3 December 2015

3 Signs That Your Garage Door Opener Might Need To Be Replaced


Garage door openers are extremely useful to have, especially when bad weather strikes and you just want to get the vehicle in the garage without having to get yourself wet. Therefore, you might want to make sure that you are doing everything you can in order to always have a well functioning garage door opener. To do that, you will want to review the following signs that it might be time for a replacement opener.

4 November 2015

5 Considerations When Shopping for a Garage Door Opener


Are you shopping for a new garage door opener? If so, how do you choose from the many available openers on the market? Below, you will find a short list that can help you determine which garage door opener is the best investment for your home. Horsepower Every garage door is rated by the amount of horsepower it has. The higher the horsepower, the heavier the door it can raise safely.

25 August 2015

4 Tips For Renovating Your Garage


Many homeowners haven't fully taken advantage of their garage space yet. There are several ways to make a home garage more appealing so that it adds value and useable space to the home. Here are some tips to get you started: 1. Paint the Floor Having bare concrete in your garage can diminish the appeal of your space and make it less pleasant to spend time there. However, renovating your garage floors is fairly simple.

30 June 2015